Code Scanners

BlueBEEP  v0.10


BlueBEEP  Source Code


Blue Dial  v6.2


Dialing Demon  v1.05


Grim Scanner  v3.0


Gun Belt  v3.0


No Carrier  v1.0


PBX Scanner  v5.0


PhoneTag  v1.3


Super Dial  v1.03


ToneLoc  v1.10


ToneLoc  Utilities Phun Pak v0.03


The Little  Operator v3.1


Vexation's  Auto Dial (A-Dial)


Z-Hacker  v3.21



WARNING! READ CAREFULLY! This cd-rom contains information and tools that can be used to exploit computer and network security. The primary purpose of this CD-ROM is to aid security professionals in combating the tools and techniques used by malicious hackers. Under no circumstances should this CD-ROM be used to illegally circumvent computer or network security.